Week of September 18-24
As a whole church forming whole disciples, we’re always looking for ways to grow and equip leaders in the church. Ministry is not possible if only staff is leading, so we need faithful leaders like our dear community group leaders and others to step up and lead. Here are some places where you can lead:
As a whole church forming whole disciples, we’re always looking for ways to grow and equip leaders in the church. Ministry is not possible if only staff is leading, so we need faithful leaders like our dear community group leaders and others to step up and lead. Here are some places where you can lead:
- Our production team. This might seem backward because the production team is behind cameras, screens, and sound boards, but the production team leads in creating an environment of worship for us every Sunday at both campuses. You do not have to have a PhD in Sound Engineering either – one of our most needed positions at Central right now is Projection, which is as simple as pressing a key on a computer keyboard –> parkviewchurch.org/serve
- As a Community Group Leader! We need more Community Group leaders to add more group options for interested people. If you are a leader, keep an eye out for a member or two who you think would be great leaders! If you are a member and are ready for this next step, let your leader know! You can always reach out to our front office for more info as well –> office@parkviewchurch.org.