Week of May 8-14: Live Jesus (East)
- Community Groups Spring session is coming to a close and the Summer session starts June 4.
- Interview with Dane Ortlund about Gentle and Lowly
- Email office@parkviewchurch.org if you need help regarding the new format of Community Groups
- VBS, June 12-16, 9 AM - 12 PM
- Volunteers, especially adult small group leaders, needed
- Pre-K is full, but all other grades up to 6th grade are available
Parkview leaders unpack the three dimensions of Living Jesus as a whole disciple:
Parkview leaders unpack the three dimensions of Living Jesus as a whole disciple:
- Mark teaches us that a whole disciple pursues the Spirit's leading prayerfully.
- Mark teaches us that a whole disciple stewards all of life for God's glory.
- Will teaches us that a whole disciple invites others to take the next step.
For more information and resources, please visit parkviewchurch.org/wholedisciples.