Week of March 6-12
- Join us in sprucing up the Central Campus and preparing for Easter events & visitors! All ages and skills are welcome. Saturday, March 25 from 8AM-12PM. This is a great service opportunity for you to do with your group! Find more information by clicking here.
- Our annual Easter event for families, Walk With Jesus, is coming up on April 1 from 4-7:30 PM! Kids and their families can experience an amazing and thought-provoking journey with an up-close look at the events of Easter week. This event is not possible without the time and talents of people like you! From room setup and decoration to acting and snack prep, there is a way you can be part of Walk with Jesus. You can register to attend or serve at parkviewchurch.org/events.
- Acts 21:17-22:21 – led by College pastor Wade Urig
- Thomas and Wade talked through a disciplemaking case study involving a group member who is too shy to pray.