Week of February 27-March 5
- Be sure to attend the congregational meeting on March 6 at Central Campus. Potluck starts at 6, business meeting starts at 7. Childcare is available for children ages 0-10, but you need to RSVP by February 28. Get more info here.
- Our annual Easter event for families, Walk With Jesus, is coming up on April 1 from 4-7:30 PM! Kids and their families can experience an amazing and thought-provoking journey with an up-close look at the events of Easter week. This event is not possible without the time and talents of people like you! From room setup and decoration to acting and snack prep, there is a way you can be part of Walk with Jesus. You can register to attend or serve at parkviewchurch.org/events.
- The inner life of a leader – how to lead from our emptiness and Christ's fullness. Thomas shared from a book called Leadership as an Identity by Crawford C Loritts, Jr.