Week of October 9-15
- Operation Christmas Child: Join us in spreading the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth this Christmas! Operation Christmas Child provides much-needed supplies, cherished toys, and the Gospel message to kids around the world. Boxes will be distributed October 15 and 22. Please return by October 29.
- Global Outreach Conference: Our annual Global Outreach Conference is coming up on November 4-5. Gather with Global Workers to get updates on their ministry, pray, and encourage one another! Bob Blincoe of Frontiers USA will be joining us for teaching on Sunday morning during services, and Sunday night for an additional training opportunity. You can find all the details about the conference at parkviewchurhc.org/goc
Luke 5:1-16
Will Fuelberth, Parkview pastor and Community Group leader, reminded us of the group goal setting we began a few weeks ago, and how he and his group will practice accountability for these goals. He recommended the following resources:
Luke 5:1-16
Will Fuelberth, Parkview pastor and Community Group leader, reminded us of the group goal setting we began a few weeks ago, and how he and his group will practice accountability for these goals. He recommended the following resources:
- parkviewchurch.org/resources: full of resources created by or recommended by Parkview staff.
- Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney: a book about the spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, prayer, solitude, etc.).