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Week of November 20-26
InformBig Christmas Party: Friday, December 1 from 6-8 PM at Central Campus. Completely free. Fun for the whole family!AWANA Christmas Store Donations: AWANA students ...

Week of November 13-19
InformOCC Packing Party: Saturday, November 18 from 9 AM - 12 PM in the Worship Center at Parkview Central Campus.Thanksgiving Offering: You can give to the Thanksgivi...

Week of November 6-12
Pastor Mark and Devon sit down with Kevin Kompelien, the president of the EFCA to learn more about Kevin and the EFCA ahead of his visit to Parkview on November 12. We...

Week of October 30-November 5
We have a bit of a different episode this week as Pastor Thomas Hoak sits down with guest Bob Blincoe (president emeritus of Frontiers USA), who is speaking at our upc...

Week of October 23-29
No Inform or Train segments this week. Tune in as Pastor Will walks us through this Sunday's passage: Luke 5:33-6:11.